Offender Management
While at Standford Hill, prisoners will have the opportunity to go on ROTL (Release on temporary license). This could be attending a hospital appointment on their own, spending time with family members to maintain and rebuild family ties, gain further qualifications with external training providers or obtaining paid employment.
Prior to being released on temporary license there is a number of processes and risk assessments which must be completed. In this section the ROTL and OMU process will be explained.
Sentence calculation check, information gathering and other administrative processes
Upon arrival, the prisoners case will be allocated to and managed by a Prison Offender Manager (POM) and Case Administrator. A sentence calculation check will be completed with various information requests sent out to Immigration / Proceeds of Crime Unit / Courts etc. They will receive an up-to-date sentence calculation sheet notifying them of their release date or other important dates from their sentence.
Each individual will require an OASYs review once they arrive at HMP Standford Hill. This may be completed by their Prison Offender Manager or Community Offender Manager (COM) dependent on individually requirement. From the OASYs interview there will be sentence plan with objectives set out, for them to complete while in custody. Sentence Plan targets are linked to the availability of ROTL which the POM will discuss with you.
ROTL Forms
Prisoners will be issued a form for them to nominate areas and addresses that they would be like to attend / visit whilst out of ROTL for the purposes of Maintaining Family Ties.
They may have a maximum of 1 address for RDR (Resettlement Day Release) and RoR (Resettlement Overnight Release) and 1 other address for RDR only. If they attend an Approved Premises for RoR – they then may still have 2 other addresses approved if suitable for RDR.
Any areas submitted need to have a connection for resettlement for them or be the surrounding area of their nominated addresses.
Once they have completed and the POM has agreed with the contents, it will be sent to your Community Offender Manager for their input. They then make their own enquiries with other agencies, such as Police, Social Services and Victim Liaison Officer and make a recommendation and then return the form to us for processing.
Initial Risk Board Assessment
Once all the information required for the Prison Offender Manager (both internally and externally) to assess and recommend their ROTL pathway is available, they will be placed on the next available Risk Board.
We aim for an average timescale of 8 – 12 weeks from arrival for the first Risk Board to take place. This can be sooner and unfortunately it can be longer; the Risk Board can only be completed when all documentation is available and sometimes there can be delays in achieving this. We have a structured escalation process to follow in cases that are delayed. Our aim is to offer ROTL to create a solid resettlement plan while they are here.
Each Risk Assessment is individually assessed, and each case should never be compared to others. Access to ROTL for Work or Training will also be assessed at this stage.
Notification of Risk Board Decision / Accessing ROTL
Every Risk Board must be countersigned by a higher grade than the Chair of the Board and only once the recommendation is approved will the case be forwarded to your Case Administrator who will manage the administration of thier ROTL programme.
They will be notified of their ROTL level, Licence conditions and any other requirements approved by the Risk Board.
They will be placed into one of two cohorts for RDR. They may apply for 1 x RDR for Maintaining Family Ties within a maximum of 14 days (2 per month) within a cohort. Once eligible they may apply for up to 4 nights RoR -once in any 28 days – this does not have to be within a cohort. A ROTL Booklet will be sent to the individual with the date of the earliest date that they can apply for.
Any date applied for must include the participation and completion of any Accompanied ROTL or number of successful RDR prior to 1st RoR.
The dates the individual requests are for them to choose within the structure above – they should always discuss important dates for themselves and their family before submitting. The individual completes the ROTL Booklet and returns it to thier Prison Offender Manager. Once completed and approved – the Case Administrator will load 6 months of dates onto the discharge list.
Release on Temporary Licence Statistics (2023)
Resettlement Day Release - 7014
Resettlement Overnight Release - 3217
Special Purpose Licence/Others - 24059
Individuals Offender Supervisor/Custody Probation Officer will meet with families on social visits and family days. In the meantime if you have any queries regarding an individual at Standford Hill the Offender Management team can be contacted using the form below: